We have all heard the proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child." To volunteer directly with the youth in Against All Odds Homes, you must first have a fingerprint clearance card. Volunteering with the youth and teen mothers is a great way to make a difference of a lifetime for children in need of permanency. We are looking for people who are willing to share of their time and talents for this very rewarding opportunity.

All of the programs that we support for the children and teen mothers in foster care could not be made possible without additional support and donations from individuals, organizations, companies and corporations. From monetary donations, supplies, to services provided such as haircuts; every little bit helps. Please contact us to learn more or ask questions about how your donation can impact the youth and teen mothers in foster care.
There are many different ways and opportunities you can show your support through sponsoring a house or child. Not only is it important for these youth to have all their basic needs met but it is also important for them to experience fun and joy! Some ideas of sponsorship are:
-Holidays and Birthdays
-Sporting Events
-In state or out of state Theme Parks
-Summer Camp
-Gaming or Bowling outings
-Sponsoring a child in a sport or fine arts
